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- TidBITS#154/30-Nov-92
- =====================
- Psst! Wanna a free gateway from FirstClass or Microsoft Mail to
- QuickMail? Read on for the details and the catch. We also have
- the promised full review of UserLand's Frontier scripting
- package, a look at some of Apple's multifarious directions, and
- two good support stories - one about APS and one from Global
- Village that promises online support.
- This issue of TidBITS sponsored in part by:
- * Nisus Software -- 800/922-2993 x305 -- paragon@weber.ucsd.edu
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- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- MailBITS/30-Nov-92
- Global Village Provides Global Support
- Apple Down Under
- New FirstClass-to-QuickMail Gateway
- Frontier Review
- Reviews/30-Nov-92
- [Archived as /info-mac/digest/tb/tidbits-154.etx; 28K]
- MailBITS/30-Nov-92
- ------------------
- Matt Neuburg writes:
- Readers interested in hypertext and/or SuperPaint may wish to
- check out my SuperPaint 3.0 HyperHelp, now lodged for FTP at
- <sumex-aim.stanford.edu> as:
- info-mac/app/super-paint-30-help.hqx
- This is a stand-alone hypertext document produced with Storyspace
- from Eastgate Systems, which we reviewed in TidBITS#95. Basically,
- you click on a part of a picture or on a word to bring up the
- linked material. It gives an excellent illustration of
- Storyspace's more _elementary_ capacities; Storyspace can do many
- things not illustrated here!
- Information from:
- Matt Neuburg -- clas005@cantva.canterbury.ac.nz
- Kudos to APS
- Jeff Wasilko writes:
- I've had three of the new Quantum 42 MB drives on order from APS
- for nearly two months. After calling the sales department a number
- of times and getting no solid answer on when the drives would be
- in from Quantum, I called Paul McGraw, APS's vice-president.
- I got his voice mail and left a message - imagining the worst. To
- my surprise, I got a message back from him on my voice mail in a
- few hours. He was traveling, so he said I'd have to call him on
- his cellular phone. When I spoke to him later that day, he said he
- had already spoken with the sales manager and told him to ship me
- two out of my three drives from a shipment of 12 they had just
- received.
- He apologized for the problems, and explained about the delay.
- Apparently Quantum decided to make 80% of their drives with the
- IDE interface, leaving quite a few vendors vying for the other 20%
- (including OEMs like Apple). Additionally, Quantum has shifted
- their production to larger drives, making the mundane 40 MB and 80
- MB drives very hard to get. As it turns out, Paul was traveling in
- California to meet with Quantum to try to straighten out these
- problems.
- I had two drives on my desk the next morning. I've heard some
- people say some bad things about APS service, but I still feel
- their hearts are in the right place.
- [Also see TidBITS#148 for more on this hard drive shortage. -Adam]
- Information from:
- Jeff Wasilko -- Jeff@digtype.airage.com
- Global Village Provides Global Support
- --------------------------------------
- According to the pop-media-business industry, this is the age of
- customer service. Whether this is true because the media said so
- or because it just happened, many companies have been placing an
- emphasis on happy customers. Lori Chavez of Global Village
- recently posted a message to the Internet encouraging customers to
- contact Global Village using a wide variety of communication
- mechanisms. We are especially pleased with their interest in
- providing support via many electronic services and hope more
- companies follow Global Village's example in making support widely
- available and encouraging deserved praise and complaints. Here's
- the post:
- Global Village encourages any Global Village customer who has any
- problems whatsoever with our products to contact us immediately
- via any communications mechanism available:
- GLOBALVILLAG@applelink.apple.com
- FMJM51A at Prodigy
- GO GLOBAL for the Global Village CompuServe forum
- 75300.3473@compuserve.com
- globalvill@aol.com
- 415/390-8300
- 415/390-8282 (fax)
- Global Village Communications
- 685B East MiddleField Road
- Mountain View, CA 94043
- Message in a bottle: Pacific Ocean
- We are here to serve our customers and if we don't do that job
- well, complaints on the networks are deserved. We don't mind
- positive comments when we do things right either!
- Apple Down Under
- ----------------
- by Dale Rodgie -- 100033.237@compuserve.com
- [Dale submitted this a while back, and with our overload of
- articles, I've only just gotten to it. Nevertheless, his
- information is still timely, and I've added comments where I
- couldn't resist. -Adam]
- This past August, Apple Computer held its fourth Australian Apple
- User Group Convention. Ian Cooper from Apple Computer (Australia)
- described, in general terms, Apple's future plans. Here are some
- of the highlights:
- * Apple is working on cutting down product development to six
- months. [And they seem to be achieving this. The only problem is
- that it makes technical and sales support more complex, and can
- confuse the consumer. Where is the happy medium?]
- * There will be a major push with notebook computers. Apple
- currently holds second place after Toshiba in the notebook market.
- That's pretty good considering that Apple has only been in the
- market for nine months. [I believe that since Dale wrote this,
- Apple has taken first place in the notebook market - a testament
- to the tremendous job Apple did in designing the PowerBook line
- after the much-maligned Mac Portable.]
- * Apple will reduce the price of the Quadra and introduce the
- PowerPC. The PowerPC will run Macintosh, MS-DOS, Windows, and OS/2
- software. [They keep saying that, but frankly, I'm not holding my
- breath until I see the PowerPC doing just that as well as current
- Macs and PCs do.]
- * Apple's entry level Macintosh will be a Classic/LC style machine
- with a 68030 microprocessor and internal 256 color video. [Shades
- of the rumored LC III that will provide IIci-class power at the
- price of the current LC II. But will Apple ship it with a "III" in
- the name?]
- * Other products or features on the drawing board include more
- flexible expansion, faster 68030s by improving software and
- hardware, further support for Apple II emulation, improved SCSI
- and NuBus, complementing 68040 computers with a DSP chip,
- integrated RGB and NTSC video & stereo sound. [Rumors I've heard
- place the Quadra 800, due along with the LC III this February, as
- the first machine that might ship with onboard DSP (Digital Signal
- Processing) support, which is essential for voice recognition and
- synthesis technology. Speaking of that, a friend reported hearing
- a machine running the new Macintalk and said he had to hack the
- code to assure himself that it wasn't digitized sound.]
- * The customers want a Quadra in a notebook. Apple is working on
- continued miniaturization, grey-scale displays, RGB displays, new
- battery technologies, and a desktop alternative design for the
- PowerBooks. [If Apple puts a 68040 in a Duo, is it all that
- different from our 1991 April Fools Macintosh TX, a 68040 tower
- unit with a snap-off notebook? Of course the TX also operated as
- an AppleShare server using technology from Outbound when the
- notebook wasn't docked, but on the other hand, our imaginary
- notebook weighed 7.2 pounds, a then-unheard-of lightness. Reality
- is often stranger than fiction.]
- * The System Software will be improved to make it easier to use.
- Other features planned for System Software include enriched
- applications software, application integration, enhanced
- navigation, improved help, MS-DOS and Windows file exchange,
- PlainTalk speech extension (planned for 1994) and world ready
- software. [Here's a simple ease-of-use improvement. When you
- expand an folder outline in the Finder, the Macintosh does not
- scroll the window to display the expanded outline, so you have to
- do the scrolling yourself. Basics!]
- New FirstClass-to-QuickMail Gateway
- -----------------------------------
- by Mark H. Anbinder, Contributing Editor
- When gateway vendor Information Electronics announced earlier this
- year that it was dropping QuickMail add-ons from its product line,
- the company said it might have one more QuickMail product up its
- sleeve. In a surprise move just over a week ago, IE unveiled a
- gateway from CE Software's QuickMail to SoftArc's popular
- FirstClass BBS and another gateway from QuickMail to Microsoft
- Mail, both of which will be given away free of charge.
- The FirstClass-to-QuickMail gateway, called PostalUnion/QM, is
- intended primarily as a transition product for companies shifting
- from QuickMail to FirstClass, which also provides electronic mail
- and conferencing features. PostalUnion/QM is, however, a fully-
- functional bidirectional gateway which runs on the QuickMail
- server end and allows two-way exchange of mail and file
- enclosures. No separate software is required on the FirstClass
- side, as PostalUnion/QM takes advantage of the powerful gateway
- architecture of the FirstClass server. (The FirstClass server must
- have the gateway option installed.)
- Similarly, the soon-to-be-released QuickMail to MS Mail gateway
- will provide a transition capability for those who plan to shift
- from QuickMail to Microsoft's LAN-based email product. Again, this
- gateway will be a fully-functional bidirectional gateway.
- Both are free transition products, with no technical support
- available, from their release this quarter until 01-Feb-93 for the
- FirstClass gateway, and 01-Mar-93 for the MS Mail gateway. On
- those dates they will become commercial products for the benefit
- of those who don't want to switch from QuickMail to FirstClass or
- Microsoft Mail, but want to be able to communicate among the
- platforms on a permanent basis. The $495 annual licensing fee will
- include use of either gateway for an unlimited number of users, as
- well as access to IE's full suite of technical support services,
- which in our experience have proved thorough and helpful.
- Asked about the unusual licensing arrangement, Information
- Electronics president Megan Clodfelter said that they want to
- provide the product free of charge to companies who are switching
- to FirstClass, as IE has, or to Microsoft Mail, but she explained
- the high long-term price of the gateway by saying that they "have
- to charge quite a bit for the gateway simply because the burden of
- QuickMail support is so extraordinarily high." The company's
- experience has always been that their QuickMail products generate
- a tremendous amount of technical support time because of the
- difficulties users have with QuickMail. As a result, IE has
- stressed that they cannot promise to keep up with any changes CE
- Software might make to QuickMail that do not follow its gateway
- guidelines.
- The free gateway software will be available for downloading only
- from the company's own FirstClass system, which can be reached by
- modem at 607/868-3393. The FirstClass gateway is available now,
- and the MS Mail gateway should be there by 15-Dec-92. After the
- cutoff dates mentioned above, the free gateways will no longer
- work, though customers can arrange an annual license if they wish
- to continue using the software.
- Information Electronics -- 607/868-3331 -- 607/868-3333 (fax)
- SoftArc Inc. -- 416/299-4723 -- 416/754-1856 (fax)
- CE Software -- 515/224-1995
- Information from:
- Megan M. Clodfelter -- infoelect@ie.com
- Frontier Review
- ---------------
- The main ability that DOS chauvinists have held over Mac users is
- the ability to create batch files, or as my mother calls them, bat
- files (for storing in your C:\BELFRY directory). You use batch
- files for minor file manipulation and the like, and they're
- relatively easy to write and use, considering you're dealing with
- a brain-damaged command line interface. Perhaps the most common
- batch files that I've seen are those that change directories
- before running programs, thus ensuring that documents saved from
- that application end up in a specific place, something which
- doesn't initially seem applicable to the Mac, but which actually
- could help neophytes who randomly strew saved files around the
- hard disk.
- Still, many people find batch files useful for automating
- repetitive tasks, and the Mac has long lacked this ability. Since
- UserLand Software released Frontier ($190 mail order, $199 direct,
- $249 list) earlier this year, however, we can all start writing
- batch files like crazy. After all they're so incredibly useful,
- right? Maybe, maybe not.
- Setting out
- I was pleased as Hawaiian punch when I received Frontier, and I
- immediately dug into the package to see what I could see. Frontier
- comes with two manuals - first a Users' Guide that ostensibly
- explains what Frontier is and why you want to use it. It also
- explains bits of how to use Frontier, but much more in the "work
- through this entire book and then you can probably do something
- useful" mode than the "experiment out of the box" mode that I and
- many others prefer. The second manual is a reference to all of the
- statements, verbs in Frontier's lingo, with which you write your
- scripts. You'll find this manual indispensable, although a pain
- when you simply want to find a certain verb. Luckily, UserLand
- provided an Apple event-driven program, DocServer, for referencing
- this information - that's probably what you'll use much of the
- time.
- I started reading to learn enough for basic experimenting, and the
- manual immediately provided a few minor examples including a
- terribly useful script to find all the Microsoft Word documents on
- your hard disk (Whee! Search and destroy!). Then it branched out
- to more useful examples such as a script that could backup files
- modified after a certain date. All this was impressive, certainly,
- and within the scope of what DOS batch files can do, but frankly,
- I don't care to find all the documents of a certain sort on my
- hard disk and when I want to backup modified files I use DiskFit
- Pro.
- I don't mean to slam on Frontier here, but rather to point out
- that like DOS batch files, Frontier is only as useful as you make
- it. Frontier will make life easier if you have tasks that you can
- automate, even if that automation must be of a certain complexity.
- In fact, the more complex your task the better, since that will
- make the development time in Frontier more worthwhile.
- Here is another example that may improve your quality of
- computing. You can create what UserLand calls "droplets," or
- iconified Frontier scripts that can accept drag & drop in the
- Finder. Someone could create a droplet that takes a floppy and
- creates an alias of the disk and its contents in a folder on the
- hard disk, and then ejects the disk. That way you wouldn't have to
- drag the disk to the trash to eject it (an interface monstrosity
- of the first degree), and you would have a searchable record of
- your floppies' contents. That's neat and fairly universally
- useful.
- Travel travails
- So that's perhaps the greatest problem with Frontier - you have to
- figure out quite clearly what you want to do with it before you
- start. The average user is unlikely to start playing with it like
- HyperCard, if only because of HyperCard's graphics and button
- linking features. In addition, even though HyperTalk bears only a
- passing resemblance to English, Frontier's UserTalk makes
- HyperTalk look colloquial. UserTalk is not difficult in comparison
- to a full programming language (traditional programming languages
- give me hives) but Frontier uses by no means a trivial dialect. It
- does a lot, tapping into much of the generalized power behind the
- Mac's pretty face, and you pay for that power. Although I don't
- pretend to be a programming aficionado, I gather that UserTalk is
- a modern language, designed from the ground up without the
- historical quirks of more traditional languages initially designed
- on, ahem, older computers and operating systems. Just as the MacOS
- avoided many of the idiocies inherent in DOS (and as DOS improved
- on CP/M), so UserTalk improves on other traditional languages.
- I recently upgraded my venerable SE/30 to 20 MB of RAM (and I love
- it) which eliminated another objection to Frontier. I've had to
- force myself to realize that just because an application supports
- Apple events does not mean that you can access its power without
- it running. That makes no sense (that an inactive program could
- execute instructions), but I believed that for a while for some
- reason. This is an issue with Frontier because it must be running
- all or most of the time for you to get much utility from it.
- Dropping an item on a droplet will launch Frontier if necessary,
- and if you want Frontier to collaborate with StuffIt, you'd better
- have enough RAM for both to exist in memory at the same time.
- Frontier itself prefers 1 MB of RAM, so without at least 8 MB,
- you're pushing it pretty close. And, as Dave Winer, co-developer
- of Frontier, points out, desktop publishing and picture editing,
- especially with Photoshop, are tremendously RAM-hungry so larger
- RAM sizes are no longer rare. Serious Frontier developers will
- want plenty of RAM, but those who just want to run scripts written
- by others should stick with the svelte Frontier Runtime.
- I've implied unfairly that you can only use Frontier for writing
- and executing scripts. In fact, Frontier boasts three other
- features that add considerably to its overall utility. First,
- Frontier has what it calls an Object Database, which stores
- various types of objects such as data, scripts, tables, and so on.
- Apart from its obvious use as permanent variable storage for
- script-writing, the Object Database can store pretty much anything
- you want, so you could use it, for instance to store items in a To
- Do list, or any other minor databasey thing. You wouldn't want to
- store huge amounts of data in your Object Database because it
- holds all of Frontier's data, and is thus quite large and not all
- that fast. Luckily FileMaker Pro 2.0 works with Frontier, as does
- a tiny flat-file database from UserLand called uBase. Second,
- Frontier includes a relatively high-powered outliner, which isn't
- surprising considering that Dave Winer's most well-known program
- is the outliner MORE, now marketed by Symantec. Dave's a serious
- outline fan, and although I see their utility, I have a few
- personal quibbles with this one, primarily the fact that you can't
- have an item and then have a paragraph of text under it since
- Frontier's outliner doesn't word wrap. I'll stick to Inspiration
- for my literary outlining, but Frontier's outliner is good, and
- you'll get to know it well since you use it to write your scripts,
- indenting logical constructions as an actual outline rather than
- as a readability exercise, another indication of UserTalk's modern
- design. Third, as I said above, Frontier includes an Apple event-
- aware application called DocServer, which documents all of
- Frontier's verbs.
- In the real world
- I've lurked in the UserLand forum on CompuServe for some time to
- sample the flavor of what people do with Frontier, and the main
- thing I can say is that if you know you need Frontier, then you
- need it (a nice tight tautology) and if you don't know you need
- it, you probably won't use it. The corollary to that is that if
- you need automation beyond QuicKeys, Frontier is your main hope.
- Tom Petaccia has come up with one of the more intriguing uses for
- Frontier, using it in conjunction with PageMaker's scripting
- language to help automate publication layout. Derrick Schneider of
- BMUG used Tom's glue file (you need one for every Apple event-
- aware program you want to control with Frontier - UserLand makes
- them freely available) in conjunction with FileMaker Pro 2.0 and
- HyperCard to automate the creation of their annual software
- catalog with Frontier in the middle, linking everything.
- How does Frontier compare to AppleScript? I don't know because
- I've only glimpsed AppleScript. When I asked Dave Winer about it,
- he didn't appear unduly concerned, which implies to me that
- AppleScript will fill a different, though partially overlapping,
- niche. Although AppleScript will let you record scripts, Dave
- assured me that Frontier will as well when necessary (only StuffIt
- Deluxe supports this right now). AppleScript looked a little
- easier, though perhaps less powerful, than Frontier. That does not
- necessarily imply that it will not have Frontier's depth, but if
- nothing else, Frontier has had a year head-start on AppleScript
- and is a mature program. In addition, since Frontier is by
- definition Apple-event driven; it should coexist happily with
- AppleScript, each doing what it does best.
- However, Frontier is here today, whereas AppleScript lingers in
- the vaporous shadows. In fact, and I'm surprised I didn't realize
- this before, Apple is in many ways using a standard IBM technique
- of pre-announcing a product to kill off the competition. I'm not
- accusing Apple of trying to knock off UserLand, but in many ways
- the comparison is apt. It's especially deceptive because much of
- what Apple does in system software is independent of third
- parties, but now that Apple charges for System 7.1 and possibly
- the modules like AppleScript and OCE, the competitive aspect shows
- more clearly.
- UserLand is by no means standing still while waiting for
- AppleScript. They just released Frontier 2.0, a significant (and
- free!) upgrade which includes a new method of writing object
- specifications, the Object Model, which allows people to write
- scripts to control applications like FileMaker Pro 2.0 and Excel
- 4.0 that support the Object Model. UserLand included support for
- HyperCard XCMDs (including many of those that use callbacks to
- HyperCard 1.x), a proprietary form of external command called a
- UCMD, and much faster menusharing. Menusharing allows programs to
- share menus between them, allowing the Finder to have a Scripts
- menu and StuffIt to have a Frontier menu, for instance. This is
- way cool, and more programs should support menusharing. All in
- all, it sounds like a good upgrade, and one definitely worth the
- 2.0 moniker (numeriker?). Frontier 2.0 has numerous useful
- enhancements, but since many of them only make sense to users of
- 1.0 (features like a command-click drop-down menu from each title
- bar, listing the hierarchy, and multiple selections in the
- outliner), and since UserLand mailed free 2.0 upgrades to all
- registered 1.0 users, I'm not going to delve further into the
- differences.
- Keep in mind that Apple events and Frontier can work over a
- network. I quote from the description of the NightCleanup, a
- script that ships with Frontier 2.0.
- Imagine you're the network manager for a classroom full
- of Macintoshes. Every day, dozens of students come into
- the lab to do their assignments and projects. In the
- course of a day, new files get created, essential files
- are accidentally deleted. So once a day, you shut the
- system down and visit all the computers and replace
- missing files and delete extraneous ones, by manually
- pointing, clicking and dragging.
- NightCleanup - the first UserLand network utility, does
- this for you automatically and very carefully. It
- produces a detailed report of all the updating and
- cleaning up it did. And because NightCleanup is
- implemented using Frontier scripts, you can customize
- NightCleanup to exactly suit your needs.
- Of course NightCleanup can also serve the needs of
- network managers in corporations, and even be used to
- update the files on your hard disk when you return from a
- road trip with your PowerBook.
- Help in the Frontier
- Aside from UserLand's personal help in their CompuServe GO
- USERLAND forum, there is an Internet LISTSERV discussion list
- devoted to Frontier, and several file sites that store public
- scripts. To subscribe to the FRONTIER LISTSERV and receive
- additional instructions on its use, send email to:
- with this line in the body of the message:
- SUBSCRIBE FRONTIER your full name
- Since this review is getting longer all the time, I'll wimp out on
- the details about the file sites and refer you to last week's
- (TidBITS#153) review of Frontier Runtime, where I gave the
- pertinent addresses.
- End of the road
- I've flip-flopped in this review several times, making points
- about Frontier's limitations and then in the next electronic
- breath saying how wonderful it is. I think that reflects my
- ambivalent feelings about Frontier quite well. On the one hand, I
- do think it's the neatest thing since HyperCard, and on the other
- hand, I also think it's a complex wirehead program that will
- overwhelm many people accustomed to HyperTalk. Even Dave Winer
- admits that "script writing isn't for the faint of heart," and
- says that unlike the early HyperCard marketing folks, UserLand
- doesn't expect everyone to become a script writer. I have written
- a few scripts and although I eventually get them working, I find
- it a frustrating process for my little brain (especially
- considering the paucity of documentation for interaction between
- programs - take heed developers!). Such is the nature of the
- beast, and if you are considering writing Frontier scripts, think
- carefully about what you want first. Then dive in whole hog and
- enjoy yourself.
- UserLand Software Inc.
- 400 Seaport Court
- Redwood City, CA 94063
- 415/369-6600
- 415/369-6618 (fax)
- 76244.120@compuserve.com
- USERLAND.CEO@applelink.apple.com
- Reviews/30-Nov-92
- -----------------
- * MacWEEK -- 23-Nov-92, Vol. 6, #42
- Persuasion 2.1 -- pg. 60
- PowerPoint 3.0 -- pg. 60
- Pinnacle Micro PMO-650 -- pg. 64
- InTouch 2.0.2 -- pg. 66
- MacroModel 1.0 -- pg. 68
- Microsoft Word 5.1 -- pg. 69
- 2 GB Quadra Drive Arrays -- pg. 74
- PLI Internal MiniArray 040
- MicroNet Raven-040 Q9i/i2024R
- FWB SledgeHammer 2000FMF
- ..
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